Group Photo Saddle Creek

Group Photo Saddle Creek
22 Happy Campers!

What a great summer we had - the best one yet!!!!

I would love thank all of the parents, kids, and horses that made this summer such an amazing success!
When I look back on all the memories and adventures, I am proud to say that this was our best summer ever. Not only did we have more kids & horses than ever before but we all worked great together to make the barn run smoothly.
The kids that were staff this year, were fantastic and there were a lot of fences to fix and little ones to help tack up. Feeding & watering was a lot of work too and the enthusiasm all fo the kids put into taking care of the horses was amazing!
Next summer will be even better with more staff trips, three separate week long camping trips and more surprises!
As we go back to school, the horses are missing their little friends but we look forward to starting new schools and seeing old and new friends.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Week Four Flew by!

Staff Jordan, Izzy, & Ashley pony on the trails.

Week four was a busy adventure. There never seemed to be enough time in the day to play with the horses! We enjoyed walking all of the horses over tarps, two trips to Spring Valley Arena (where the girls LOVE it!) and a lot of practice for the Hidden Hills Horse Show at the dressage arena at Saddle Creek.

Up time with Brooke & down time with the girls.

It is so great having Sami back with us and she has been instrumental in keeping things going well. She has also spent a lot of time with Felicitie and it is paying off - they are already cantering around the arena and Felice looks great from all the extra grooming and attention, which she loves. Her little sister, Nikki also came for a few days - she is so cute and Sami is a great big sister to Nikki and to our girls!

Sami & Felicitie
Bride Rose is also learning about being a riding horse. Ashley is very dedicated to her and Hannah is offering fantastic support with her Parelli training. Time is the answer to so much and we were excited that Debbie and Summer joined us for a huge lesson in Spring Valley.
Bride Rose does Parelli work with Ashley & Hannah
We welcomed back Geffen after he vacation and also Cassie, cousin to Kate Korchek (Cowgirl Kate) joined us for the week and will enjoy her first horse show this Sunday.
The girls never get enough jumping!!
We had a practice show on Friday and Ashley, Izzy, and Hannah were great judges. The youngest riders, Geffen, Kristin, and Marguerite also gave their opinions on the class. We are all ready for a great show in Hidden Hills this Sunday - thanks so much to Bliss for organizing that!
Our End-of-the-Week Show, Week Four. I could not get the girls off their horses!
Other exciting news - Alexandra, Grace, Jordan (thanks, Mom!), Ashley, and Kristin all got new saddles!

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