Group Photo Saddle Creek

Group Photo Saddle Creek
22 Happy Campers!

What a great summer we had - the best one yet!!!!

I would love thank all of the parents, kids, and horses that made this summer such an amazing success!
When I look back on all the memories and adventures, I am proud to say that this was our best summer ever. Not only did we have more kids & horses than ever before but we all worked great together to make the barn run smoothly.
The kids that were staff this year, were fantastic and there were a lot of fences to fix and little ones to help tack up. Feeding & watering was a lot of work too and the enthusiasm all fo the kids put into taking care of the horses was amazing!
Next summer will be even better with more staff trips, three separate week long camping trips and more surprises!
As we go back to school, the horses are missing their little friends but we look forward to starting new schools and seeing old and new friends.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Is it me or is this the fastest summer ever?!

Maybe it is because we are having so much fun - or because there are so many of us but this summer is flying by! I can't believe we are already half-way through our camp and I never want these long days to end. The kids are working their tails off and the horses are thriving with all the extra love, attention, and exercise (and food!).
Though I may be less exhausted once school starts, I will miss these leisurely days with trail rides to Spring Valley and daily baths for the horses - and us!
Week Five was no exception to the fun and everything just seems to be getting better each day. The girls still hate the new boot requirement but I am sure the horses are grateful and all of their hard work under saddle and managing the barn can be seen at the shows we attend. The End-of-Week Camp show was super advanced, even for the Walk/Trotters and everyone looked so good!
One of my favorite days was Wednesday - the scary part was Callaia tore her shoulder open - the nice part was we all were able to wash our hair with the products are horses use and we smelled terrific all day. It was definitely a good hair day for all of us and my hair had a carrot cake aroma for a few washings afterwards! Callaia is fine, my hair is back to average and we are all having a blast!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Week Four Flew by!

Staff Jordan, Izzy, & Ashley pony on the trails.

Week four was a busy adventure. There never seemed to be enough time in the day to play with the horses! We enjoyed walking all of the horses over tarps, two trips to Spring Valley Arena (where the girls LOVE it!) and a lot of practice for the Hidden Hills Horse Show at the dressage arena at Saddle Creek.

Up time with Brooke & down time with the girls.

It is so great having Sami back with us and she has been instrumental in keeping things going well. She has also spent a lot of time with Felicitie and it is paying off - they are already cantering around the arena and Felice looks great from all the extra grooming and attention, which she loves. Her little sister, Nikki also came for a few days - she is so cute and Sami is a great big sister to Nikki and to our girls!

Sami & Felicitie
Bride Rose is also learning about being a riding horse. Ashley is very dedicated to her and Hannah is offering fantastic support with her Parelli training. Time is the answer to so much and we were excited that Debbie and Summer joined us for a huge lesson in Spring Valley.
Bride Rose does Parelli work with Ashley & Hannah
We welcomed back Geffen after he vacation and also Cassie, cousin to Kate Korchek (Cowgirl Kate) joined us for the week and will enjoy her first horse show this Sunday.
The girls never get enough jumping!!
We had a practice show on Friday and Ashley, Izzy, and Hannah were great judges. The youngest riders, Geffen, Kristin, and Marguerite also gave their opinions on the class. We are all ready for a great show in Hidden Hills this Sunday - thanks so much to Bliss for organizing that!
Our End-of-the-Week Show, Week Four. I could not get the girls off their horses!
Other exciting news - Alexandra, Grace, Jordan (thanks, Mom!), Ashley, and Kristin all got new saddles!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Friday Horse Show and End Of Week Celebration

There is no question that Week Two was an exciting one - and it seemed to just go on and on! :) The Horse Show on Friday was so impressive. All of the girls had fantastic rides and the Judge (Holly) had her work cut out for her. Ashley did a great job calling the class. It was so enjoyable to watch. Our class had 12 riders and each one did an amazing job! Here are the results...

Baylee & Barbary - Rookie of the Week
Julia & Spiderman - Best Painted
Hannah & Poet - Best Heels
Marguerite & Poe - Best Hands
Brooke & Lola - Best Seat
Ashley BP & Malibu - Best Western Horse
Jenni & Persjaa - Best English Horse
Jordan & Sierra - Best Eyes
Mandy & Dessa - Best Equitation/Overall Rider
Kristin & Angel - Best Horsemanship
Jessica & Tiko - Most Cadenced

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Our Trip to Spring Valley

Today we took our first trip to Spring Valley Arena and it was so much fun. Our biggest group of girls caravan-ed down the road and new horse Poet led the way!

After we rode, we ate lunch in the shade at the nice tables and then got back on our horses for some more riding.

Everyone did beautifully with all the exercises, jumping and flexing and collecting. The trail ride home went well as well.

After taking care of the horses, we were off to swim at the community center and then work the Hidden Hills Horsemen's booth at the 1st Annual Hoedown! The girls looked cute in their Sapphire shirts and took their job seriously. We were very proud.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Beautiful Braiding Day at the Plum Tree

Champions Team Tallulah & Bailey with Spiderman and Ashley & Marguerite with Angel Baby tied for first in the braiding competion.

Also looking great was Jordan & Gracie and Helena & Dessa!

Hannah proved her braid was ready for a show! Brooke & Lily did a nice job too.

Heather, the judge inspecting everyone's work.

Could Spiderman get any cuter?

Monday, June 23, 2008

Monday, Week Two - What a Great Day!

What a great day! the temperatures have dropped, we were able to finish the new feed room & fence repair and we even got two rides in. The first was an intense jumping and dressage lesson and the second was a casual shady bareback trail ride.
We hosed the horses off at the arenas both times and it makes the world of difference to ride home soaking wet. The horses certainly appreciate it! Just as much as we loved the pool!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Week One was SO MUCH FUN! (& Hot, too!)

Tallulah's Photo of Buck Light
Week One was incredibly adventurous, fun, wild, and HOT! With temperatures soaring into the Hundreds (114!) we spent more time hosing the horses, then riding them.
Jenni & Sera
The extra time allowed for bonding, cleaning the tackroom and horse trailer and doing much needed repairs to the fences at the Plum Tree. We are all so happy with the new look, the new feed room & new corrals and refrigerator room! The trip to Region 2 was the perfect treat! I loved the great job you all did with the Photo Contest! I feel so lucky to know all of you!

Lily & Callaia
The girls of Week One worked so hard. I am so proud of them for Cowgirling Up and getting all of that work done. I would like to send accolades to my girls! You all rock!

Jenni's Photo of Allion King
Ashley - Dakota's Partner in Hunting and help ALL around!
Jenni - You always offer assistance when no one else does and you are so enthusiastic!
Juliet - For assisting in the hunting and hosing out the tack room!
Brooke & Julia - For filling waters countless times and for riding over with the trash trucks.
Alexandra - Thanks for being so flexible and taking such good care of Barbary!
Lily & Marguerite - For always being so easy going and such a joy to be around!
You all made WEEK ONE a week I will never forget! XOXO

Monday, June 16, 2008


There will be a staff meeting on Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. A trail ride will follow!